Monday, August 27, 2007

Salabhasana benefits your spinal region

Poorna salabhasana

Salabhasana (locust posture) is the reverse posture of Bhujangasana (cobra posture), which gives a backward bend to the spine. Practice Salabhassana after Bhujangasana. Bhujangasana activates the upper area of the body while Salabhasana activates the lower waist area. This asana is beneficial for the spine and creates balance.

Lie down flat, face to the floor. Place your arms on your sides and stretch your hands backward, palms facing up. Rest your chin on the floor and look ahead. Raise your legs and your hands backwards. Lift your upper body and lower body. Balance on the stomach. Raise your head and look up.
Inhale slowly but deeply through both the nostrils. Tighten the legs and arms and lift them up as high as possible. Do not bend the knees.
Stay in the same posture for half a minute. Exhale and simultaneously lower the legs slowly to the floor. By the time the legs touch the floor, you should finish exhaling.

Compresses the spine, strengthens lower, mid and the upper spine, creates more elasticity in the entire spine, tones the muscle fibres of the back, accelerates and improves the circulation of spinovial fluid, holds vertebrae in position, improves the posture and gives relief from cervical spondylosis (a disorder that results from abnormal growth of bones in the neck and degeneration in the cushions between the vertebrae of the neck).

Start with three rounds on the first day. Do not practice more than four rounds. For beginners, it is always advisable to practice the half locust posture before attempting the strenuous full locust posture.