Our family members were planning for a vacation as we all strongly believe in spending time together and there's no better place to visit than Newjersey.When you plan on a New Jersey vacation,i got to tell you its not incomplete without Radio disney concert.Especially if you are a disney fan it can't get better than this.I learned today that Radio Disney is going to be offering a concert series in Wildwood during the month of July. The concerts will be free and will take place twice a day at 1pm and 4pm next to the Giant Ferris Wheel on Morey’s Mariner’s Landing pier.Wildwood itself is an excellent place to visit.For it has got some of the wonderful beaches and water parks.
The Wildwood events are
July 7 - A Cursive Memory
July 14 - Jordan Pruitt
July 21 - Drew Seeley
The ticket holders are bound to enjoy some discounts through july 27.Its really importamt that you book your tickets and hotel rooms in advance to escape from the last minute disappointments. I have heard that Morey’s Piers is a wonderful site for summer vacation plans and the concert series sounds like a lot of fun. What a perfect opportunity to plan a family vacatioIt should also be noted that tickets for the concert are free and these tickets can get them upto 10 percent discount in waterpark tickets.So friends,if you have planned for a vacation already,check this site for more details.
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