Monday, October 29, 2007
Online Fashion Boutique
Well, guys, when I talk about dressing, I'm not jus' talking about 'threads', I'm talking about 'confidence', I'm talking about 'non-verbal positive communication' , 'power of stature'. Dressing is the quintessential part of non-verbal communication. It is the first thing that someone notices in us when they encounter us for the first time. And it easily makes up for more than 50% of what people call the "FIRST IMPRESSION". I have read so many books (You know, stuff like 'how to impress your girl', '101 different ways to accost her', 'what you should'nt do on your first date', etc.. !!!) and one thing which I found common in all of them is the highly pronounced stress on 'Dressing sense' and 'setting the exuberance level for the occasion with your attire. For all those who agree with me on dressing, here is a wonderful site called which i found as i was browsing the internet for all those who wish to increase their fashion quotient. It is one the best places on the internet which offers online shopping boutique experience. There are a wide variety of popular brands like Nudie and seven for all mankind from which you can choose the best attire that suits you. We can take a look at all those new attires to hit the fashion market just by sitting in front of our computers. You can get anything from Pants to shoes to handbags in a single place.From formals to casuals you have everything here. It offers its service for both men and women. The are enumerous styles and colour available. Everything here is trendy especially those nudie jeans which attracted me a lot. You even have a sale on selected items. If you are looking forward to buy some of the best clothes in the market then you should first visit this site.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ashop commerce
These days people are so busy that they hardly find time to go to shops and buy their coveted items.Hence to the advantage of these people, shopping carts have become popular nowadays.
Shopping cart keeps track of all the items that a buyer wants to purchase, allowing the shopper to pay for the whole order at once. Hence, the buyer can take his own time shopping online and then paying on the whole to the owner.Ashopcommerce, one of the leading companies in US , has developed a path breaking Shopping cart software. Ashop Commerce is one of the top provider of shopping cart software to many vendors selling their products online. It provides you with all the tools that you need to start and build your online store and also allows you to customize it in your own style. They provide the best software available in the market today which is both efficient and manageable. They charge only a nominal monthly fee from the vendors. There are four types of packages like starter, professional, advanced and enterprise that will help you in choosing the exact service that will suit your needs.
This e-commerce software is a blessing in disguise for every merchant who want to establish their own online shopping centers.
Shopping cart keeps track of all the items that a buyer wants to purchase, allowing the shopper to pay for the whole order at once. Hence, the buyer can take his own time shopping online and then paying on the whole to the owner.Ashopcommerce, one of the leading companies in US , has developed a path breaking Shopping cart software. Ashop Commerce is one of the top provider of shopping cart software to many vendors selling their products online. It provides you with all the tools that you need to start and build your online store and also allows you to customize it in your own style. They provide the best software available in the market today which is both efficient and manageable. They charge only a nominal monthly fee from the vendors. There are four types of packages like starter, professional, advanced and enterprise that will help you in choosing the exact service that will suit your needs.
This e-commerce software is a blessing in disguise for every merchant who want to establish their own online shopping centers.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Online casino review site
If you desire to test your gambling skills, this site offers a catena of casino spots to choose from. A mere click will allow you to travel in to a new world of fortunes where you will know not merely the names of various on-line casino games like online poker , blackjack , roulette etc , but also their formats and the ways of playing and winning each game. For raw and random gamblers like most of us,this site gives graphic details of all the casinos you can find on-line and also the tips for on-line gambling. The periodical reviews of each casino provide valuable information about its origin, standard of games played and the type of visitors who frequent it. That apart, the inputs regarding the best payouts, the best bonuses and the highest jackpots takes a reader to dizzy heights of unmatchable imagination and an insatiable urge to take a trip to the wild world of gambling. So, take the plunge right now. Gambling is not sin. After all, the world itself is a big casino where we mortals have gambled to take birth.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Shopping Cart Software
Are you planning to setup your own online store and start trading products on the internet, then here is a complete software solution that will help you in selling your products online. Ashopcommerce, one of the leading companies in US , has developed a path breaking Shopping cart software which will help merchants expand their businesses on the internet by allowing them build an online store. It provides you with all the tools that you need to start and build your online store and also allows you to customize it in your own style. It provides you with pertinent facts and and up to date data that will guide you in expanding your business. It will aid you in constructing your own online store where you can accept credit cards, update content quickly and loads of other stuffs without any prior HTML knowledge. There are four types of packages like starter, professional, advanced and enterprise that will help you in choosing the exact service that will suit your needs. It offers a splendid service which is very much affordable. It provides 100% search engine optimised shopping cart software and will give you the perfect advise you need to take your product to the top of search engine listings. There is also a free ten day trial on this e-commerce sotware. So try it out immediatly and you will realise its prowess. To put short ,this e-commerce software should be a must for all those who wish to establish their own online market.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
GRE october questions update
hi guys,
I am extremely sorry for the delay in producing the questions. I had some troubles in conglomerating the questions as i had lost contact with some of my resources. Now am back with authentic stuffs which i am sure will help you in cracking gre successfully.
I am extremely sorry for the delay in producing the questions. I had some troubles in conglomerating the questions as i had lost contact with some of my resources. Now am back with authentic stuffs which i am sure will help you in cracking gre successfully.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
SMORTY- A Boon for bloggers and advertisers
A really innovative idea is here. All of you would have heard about the various money making options available on the internet. But did you ever know that you can get paid for blogging?? Here is a smart way for you to do it. Get yourself registered with Smorty and enjoy fantastic monetary benifts. Smorty is a bridge between Advertisers and Bloggers. Advertisers pay bloggers for writing reviews about their sites in their blogs which would earn them considerable traffic and valuable link backs. If you are a blogger and if you are in a hunt for advertisers, the best place where you can find advertisers who pay generously, is Smorty .Advertisers can enjoy the service of really popular and quality bloggers only on smorty. Bloggers can also earn cash by making use of their referrel program where they get paid for letting their frinds know about smorty. An unique feature which makes smorty stand out from other sites of its kind is that they pay you weekly. Smorty is the best choice if you are looking to make some money via blog advertising.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Calorie Counter
I have a lot of stout, big bellied friends, fasting for weeks, trying to reduce their weight in order to attract the attention of girls. Their efforts have always ended in vain. I found a really useful website for people like them who always look scrupulously into the calorie content of their diet and are on a mission to burn down those extra fat in their body. Calorie counter has a lot of features and benifits and it is damn easy to use. It will guide you in choosing the right food that will suit your body by providing you with the nutritional contents in various viands. Once you register yourself with the website you can create your exclusive diet profile. You can maintain your own food diary , calculate the amount of calories you are going to gain through your diet, thus enabling you to have a check on your diet and plan your exercise accordingly. Calorie counter works with a variety of diets and is very flexible. Start planning your diet and fitness regimes using calorie counter . And the most amazing thing is that it is absolutely free.
Monday, October 8, 2007
GRE october words update
hi guys,
I wrote toefl just two days back. i couldnt update my blog as i was busy with it. i am sorry for the delay. i would like to clarify a few things here. Lot of questions are arising concerning the authenticity of these questions. I reassure that these questions are very much genuine and reliable. I have collected a huge list of people who are taking up gre this month from orkut and other such communities. I ve good rapport with these ppl and i keep in touch with them through mail and my blog. I get questions from these ppl and i want u guys to help me in rendering this service by mailing me the questions which u encounter when u take the test. my mail id is
I wrote toefl just two days back. i couldnt update my blog as i was busy with it. i am sorry for the delay. i would like to clarify a few things here. Lot of questions are arising concerning the authenticity of these questions. I reassure that these questions are very much genuine and reliable. I have collected a huge list of people who are taking up gre this month from orkut and other such communities. I ve good rapport with these ppl and i keep in touch with them through mail and my blog. I get questions from these ppl and i want u guys to help me in rendering this service by mailing me the questions which u encounter when u take the test. my mail id is
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Arbitration as an adjudication process can be traced to the olden age when civilization was at its primitive stage. People were living in groups then. There used to be a leader for that group and he decided the disputes that arose among the constituents of that group and his verdict was accepted to be final. When civilization grew and people started living as a community, there was community panchayat which system extended as village panchayat at a later period. The said Panchayat was headed by a man of integrity and repute and he will be assisted by members who were drawn from various communities. The complaint that was referred to the Panchayat was decided based on its evidentiary value and the decision of the village panchayat was final and binding on the parties to the dispute. There was no appellate procedure in such adjudication. This ancient medieval form of Indian jurisprudence is still vogue in many rural parts of India. Since the decisions and the procedure adopted for resolving the disputes depended on the usage and customs that was practiced in a particular area, there was a medley of conflicting laws and systems of administration of justice. After the advent of British rule in India, the beginning of the era of codification of laws started by enactment of Charters Act, 1833. The new codes brought about a perceptible change and uniformity of administration of justice in India. The “adversarial” system of justice was introduced wherebv two opposite parties pitched against each other were given level playing field and were given equal opportunity to present their case before a judge. After our independence we have carried forward that system with certain modifications to suit the requirements of our citizens. Art.33A of Constitution of India assures that the operation of legal system promotes justice on the basis of equal opportunity to every citizen and no one will be denied access to justice on account of his financial or other disability.
Pausing here for a moment, if we ask ourselves whether we have achieved the goal as set out under Art.33A of Constitution of India going by our experience in the past 50 years, the answer would be sadly no. The reasons are many. Though our legal system by and large strives to give equal opportunity to all the citizens, it is doubtful whether a common man has easy access to justice. Most people in our country regard courts as temple of justice. But the entry has become difficult for them in view of the high cost of litigation involving court fees, advocates fees etc., Adding to their woes is the delay encountered by our courts in the administration of justice. Conventional courts are more often grappled with problems concerning procedural wrangles which resulted in thousands of cases not seeing the light of the day for several decades. Apart from the same, the recent growth of Indian economy necessitated enactment of numerous laws which are complex in nature creating new rights and obligations and calling for various interpretations compounding the crisis of litigants. The legal awareness among the litigant public of their rights is also a major contributing factor for the docket explosion that we are witnessing today. This phenomenon is not unique to India alone. Many developed countries also faced similar problems.
In this backdrop the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 enacted under the UNCITRAL model law code offers definite advantages that litigation from its very nature can never provide. Arbitration is a legal process not statutorily created but by the parties themselves through agreement. It offers procedural flexibility. The parties are free to choose their arbitrator/s. Unlike structured court procedures, it can be as casual as a discussion in a conference table and the parties have the freedom to choose the applicable law, neutral party as their arbitrator/conciliator, fix the convenient day and place for hearing the case and also fix the fees for the arbitrator which are always lower than the costs involved in a normal litigation through statutorily created courts. Courts have always adopted a conservative approach to problems. The Courts of law are put into a straight jacket as it has to follow fixed procedure and fixed rules of evidence. Arbitration, on the other hand, is more informal. The Evidence Act is not applicable to arbitration. The Civil Procedure Code has no application. The arbitrator need only proceed in a manner conforming to justice, equity and good conscience. He is not henched in by any formulated rules. One of the major advantages of arbitration is that an expert arbitral tribunal can be selected considering the field of dispute, so much so, the entire procedure can be conducted without the intervention of expert lawyers, with major gains in speed and economy. Thus many disputes as to quality in commodity trades, many disputes arising out of construction contract etc. can be settled through arbitration in a speedy manner at lesser cost and more quickly than through courts. Recently Supreme Court has held that there are hardly any subject matters which cannot be decided through arbitration. Common man’s problems like his contractual rights in the matter of property transactions, family disputes like partition etc., can be easily resolved through arbitration. Ideally, family disputes being mostly ego-centric and has a history of long drawn legal process can be easily resolved through arbitration. However there are certain exceptions to this. Subject matters relating to crimes, matrimonial issues, public policy and religious matters cannot be subjected to arbitration.
The following are the some of the potential advantages over judicial proceedings:
1. when the subject matter of the dispute is highly technical, arbitrators with an appropriate degree of expertise can be appointed
2. arbitration is often faster than litigation in court
3. arbitration can be cheaper
4. arbitral proceedings and an arbitral award are generally private and confidential unlike court proceedings.
5. the arbitral process enjoys a greater degree of flexibility than the courts
6. there are limited avenues for appeal of an arbitral award, which can mean swifter enforcement and less scope for a party to delay matters.
7. to adopt procedures suitable to the circumstances of the particular case, so as to provide a fair means for resolution of the dispute.
More than a century ago, Abraham Lincoln had said "discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbours to compromise, whenever you can. Point out to them the nominal winner is often real loser in fees, expenses and waste of time." What was said then is still equally true. Indian legal system has taken a full circle in as much as we have adopted the old system of justice with some modification under the internationally accepted legal banner of arbitration. The said justice rendering system having evolved from common man will necessarily support common man. So let us all endevour to popularize this mode of alternate dispute resolution system so that the benefits of this system my reach the common man and the commercial man as well.
Pausing here for a moment, if we ask ourselves whether we have achieved the goal as set out under Art.33A of Constitution of India going by our experience in the past 50 years, the answer would be sadly no. The reasons are many. Though our legal system by and large strives to give equal opportunity to all the citizens, it is doubtful whether a common man has easy access to justice. Most people in our country regard courts as temple of justice. But the entry has become difficult for them in view of the high cost of litigation involving court fees, advocates fees etc., Adding to their woes is the delay encountered by our courts in the administration of justice. Conventional courts are more often grappled with problems concerning procedural wrangles which resulted in thousands of cases not seeing the light of the day for several decades. Apart from the same, the recent growth of Indian economy necessitated enactment of numerous laws which are complex in nature creating new rights and obligations and calling for various interpretations compounding the crisis of litigants. The legal awareness among the litigant public of their rights is also a major contributing factor for the docket explosion that we are witnessing today. This phenomenon is not unique to India alone. Many developed countries also faced similar problems.
In this backdrop the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 enacted under the UNCITRAL model law code offers definite advantages that litigation from its very nature can never provide. Arbitration is a legal process not statutorily created but by the parties themselves through agreement. It offers procedural flexibility. The parties are free to choose their arbitrator/s. Unlike structured court procedures, it can be as casual as a discussion in a conference table and the parties have the freedom to choose the applicable law, neutral party as their arbitrator/conciliator, fix the convenient day and place for hearing the case and also fix the fees for the arbitrator which are always lower than the costs involved in a normal litigation through statutorily created courts. Courts have always adopted a conservative approach to problems. The Courts of law are put into a straight jacket as it has to follow fixed procedure and fixed rules of evidence. Arbitration, on the other hand, is more informal. The Evidence Act is not applicable to arbitration. The Civil Procedure Code has no application. The arbitrator need only proceed in a manner conforming to justice, equity and good conscience. He is not henched in by any formulated rules. One of the major advantages of arbitration is that an expert arbitral tribunal can be selected considering the field of dispute, so much so, the entire procedure can be conducted without the intervention of expert lawyers, with major gains in speed and economy. Thus many disputes as to quality in commodity trades, many disputes arising out of construction contract etc. can be settled through arbitration in a speedy manner at lesser cost and more quickly than through courts. Recently Supreme Court has held that there are hardly any subject matters which cannot be decided through arbitration. Common man’s problems like his contractual rights in the matter of property transactions, family disputes like partition etc., can be easily resolved through arbitration. Ideally, family disputes being mostly ego-centric and has a history of long drawn legal process can be easily resolved through arbitration. However there are certain exceptions to this. Subject matters relating to crimes, matrimonial issues, public policy and religious matters cannot be subjected to arbitration.
The following are the some of the potential advantages over judicial proceedings:
1. when the subject matter of the dispute is highly technical, arbitrators with an appropriate degree of expertise can be appointed
2. arbitration is often faster than litigation in court
3. arbitration can be cheaper
4. arbitral proceedings and an arbitral award are generally private and confidential unlike court proceedings.
5. the arbitral process enjoys a greater degree of flexibility than the courts
6. there are limited avenues for appeal of an arbitral award, which can mean swifter enforcement and less scope for a party to delay matters.
7. to adopt procedures suitable to the circumstances of the particular case, so as to provide a fair means for resolution of the dispute.
More than a century ago, Abraham Lincoln had said "discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbours to compromise, whenever you can. Point out to them the nominal winner is often real loser in fees, expenses and waste of time." What was said then is still equally true. Indian legal system has taken a full circle in as much as we have adopted the old system of justice with some modification under the internationally accepted legal banner of arbitration. The said justice rendering system having evolved from common man will necessarily support common man. So let us all endevour to popularize this mode of alternate dispute resolution system so that the benefits of this system my reach the common man and the commercial man as well.
Farewell to Poker
Most students go to college for learning, but we THE UNTITLED go to college to play one of the most entertaining card games - POKER. We came to know about this enthralling game through the movie casino royal. There wasn’t much that we could make out from the movie about the game, which instilled lot of curiosity within us, and it all started in mani’s farm house where we learnt to play this game. Wow what a game!! was my first reaction when I understood it. I was able to grasp the thick and thins of the game, as well as master a few tricks which were outside the game’s rule books, immediately. Since then there hasn’t been a single day when I haven’t played poker. Poker started flowing in my blood along with oxygen. My tactful play and perinial patience to wait for luck to find me rather than i going on a hunt for it , have always paid off and i can proudly say that I ve never walked out of a poker table without profit. After all the success that I ve had with this game I ve now decided to call it off from poker. This decision has not been forced on me nor am I relinquishing it for my girlfriend . This is a decision which I ve taken after lot of deliberation and in the interest of those who play with me.
Now that I am finished with POKER I am going continue my association with cards through BRIDGE. I ll still render my expert guidance to all those amateur players in the circuit.
In my next post I ll be talking abt the playing styles of my friends. So keep reading…………....................
Now that I am finished with POKER I am going continue my association with cards through BRIDGE. I ll still render my expert guidance to all those amateur players in the circuit.
In my next post I ll be talking abt the playing styles of my friends. So keep reading…………....................
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
GRE October verbal update
hi guys,
here is a list of words that appeared in gre tests during the month of october. I ve consolidated these words after consultations with many students who took the test during the past two days.These questions may not repeat yet they will give you an idea of what you can expect.keep checking for daily updates.
4.MILK:EXTRACT::answer not sure
5.ENUNCIATE:WORDS::answer not sure
Visit for September database.
here is a list of words that appeared in gre tests during the month of october. I ve consolidated these words after consultations with many students who took the test during the past two days.These questions may not repeat yet they will give you an idea of what you can expect.keep checking for daily updates.
4.MILK:EXTRACT::answer not sure
5.ENUNCIATE:WORDS::answer not sure
Visit for September database.
Monday, October 1, 2007
GRE october words
hi guys,
here is a list of words which appeared in the actual GRE tests yesterday. usually i consolidate lists once a week.But due to heavy demand i ll be posting words daily. I publish stuffs which are absolutely genuine. Those who find my blog useful are requested to give me a feedback so that i can serve u better. And for future test takers, please help me in increasing my database of questions as i am totally dependent on actual test takers like u ppl.
1. WOOD:SAWDUST::metal:filings
2. SPLINT:MOBILITY::lubricant:friction
3. BALEFUL:MENACE::solicitous:concern
4. TINE:FORK:: answer not sure
5. ALACRITY:APATHETIC::temerity:timid
7. PANEGYRIC:EULOGIZE::lampoon:satirize
8. TABLECLOTH:TABLE::sheet:mattress
10. GUSH:EFFUSIVE::rage:irate
click here for my previous posts on gre:
visit my friends blog for more questions
here is a list of words which appeared in the actual GRE tests yesterday. usually i consolidate lists once a week.But due to heavy demand i ll be posting words daily. I publish stuffs which are absolutely genuine. Those who find my blog useful are requested to give me a feedback so that i can serve u better. And for future test takers, please help me in increasing my database of questions as i am totally dependent on actual test takers like u ppl.
1. WOOD:SAWDUST::metal:filings
2. SPLINT:MOBILITY::lubricant:friction
3. BALEFUL:MENACE::solicitous:concern
4. TINE:FORK:: answer not sure
5. ALACRITY:APATHETIC::temerity:timid
7. PANEGYRIC:EULOGIZE::lampoon:satirize
8. TABLECLOTH:TABLE::sheet:mattress
10. GUSH:EFFUSIVE::rage:irate
click here for my previous posts on gre:
visit my friends blog for more questions
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